AXA story

AXA Diaries: Meet Jill


Hi I’m Jill. I’m a Technical Engineering Assistant with AXA Commercial and I’ve been here for about 4 years. I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and dyspraxia* when I was 7 and have also had an ADHD diagnosis since.  This is my experience of working at AXA as a neurodiverse person.  

*Dyspraxia is a neurological condition that affects an individual’s ability to plan and process motor tasks. It impacts movement, coordination, and cognitive abilities. 

There are lots of stereotypes around neurodiversity. From your experience, are there any in particular that stand out to you? 

There are lots of harmful stereotypes, and I still come across some of them on occasion. At primary school I was often referred to as having “naughty child syndrome” and being “lazy, uncoordinated and difficult” by one of my teachers. Back then, the lack of acceptance and understanding was heartbreaking.  

Do you feel supported to be yourself at AXA?

AXA has been the first company I worked for that truly understands and accommodates my needs. It really surprised me to see how accepting and supportive they are, and the amount of support that they give to people with similar conditions to me. Not many other places I’ve worked have been as open minded.  For the first time in ages, I could actually be myself and be more open and honest about my condition.  I feel so supported knowing I am not alone and there are groups of people here to help.  

What strengths and challenges does your neurodiversity present for you at work? 

In terms of strengths, I’m very organised and like to keep things in an orderly manner. For challenges, I sometimes find it hard to regulate my emotions and stress levels. And I can overthink and jump to conclusions. I used to just keep to myself and only have a few select friends, but since working at AXA, my people skills have improved. 

Do you have any tips or tricks that help you manage your workload at work as a neurodiverse person?   

I usually use a notepad to keep a note of my workload — I have gone through six so far! But it helps ground me and keep me focused on the tasks I have for each day. 

Would you recommend a career at AXA?  

Absolutely, AXA have so much to offer and you can really progress your career here. You work with amazing people and can progress through different teams and have amazing opportunities. 

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