Animal Allies: Ami and Audrey

Hello, I'm Ami and I'm a Conduct and Compliance Manager at AXA Commercial. My animal ally is my guide dog Audrey, who supports my wellbeing in so many ways.
Audrey is a three-and-a-half-year-old golden retriever, and she’s been with me since April 2023 when we were matched together for her to be my guide dog. She’s very clever, keen to work and speedy.
She also loves pigeons and squirrels! And she does like the sound of her own voice – she’ll communicate with a bark or some very weird noises that we like to call ‘singing’. She’s got great range, she can go very low and sound like a cow and very high – which to be honest tends to sound like she’s in pain!
Her favourite thing is to have a soft toy in her mouth, and to stand in between people’s legs for them to give her a bum rub! She also loves giving her paw to anyone and holds onto them like a cat, and so has earned the nickname ‘Pawdrey’!
What’s the best part of having your animal ally?
Firstly, as Audrey is my guide dog, she makes it so much easier for me to navigate with confidence. With her by my side, everything feels easier, whether that be walks to familiar places, or travelling somewhere new.
Secondly, I love having a dog around. Her calmness and affection make me feel grounded, and if I’m having a rubbish day, she makes me feel better.
Does Audrey have an impact on your physical wellbeing?
Yes. She needs lots of walks and loves working. She also enjoys lots of off-lead fun in the park, having her makes me get out, even when the weather is miserable. I was certainly guilty of staying inside too much before I got her.
And does Audrey have an impact on your mental wellbeing?
Yes, she’s a tonic to be around. From the sound of her wagging tail first thing in the morning and pawing to say hello, to the way she pretends to be a lap dog – she has so many little quirks that make me smile.
What’s the funniest thing she does?
Her insistence to put herself between people’s legs. She does this to anyone and everyone. Be it colleagues in the office or strangers in the park, she’s indiscriminate and it’s just her thing!
Are there any ways that you feel AXA supports your wellbeing in work?
AXA has a multitude of wellbeing offerings. But for me it’s been the support from my managers and teams over the years that’s really made me feel supported.
I also value hybrid working and flexibility, particularly as I’m a solo parent. If I didn’t have this then I wouldn’t have been able to stay working full-time after the breakup of my relationship with my son’s father, so I’m really grateful that flexibility was available, especially when my son was in primary school. I’ve also used the counselling service provided through work and have to say it really helped me deal with a very traumatic time.